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English translation for "thing that annoys"


Related Translations:
get annoyed:  变得气恼感到气恼很烦
little thing:  细物志小家伙, 小 乖乖, 小人无大志
that thing:  那物
behavioral things:  行为事物
things confiscated:  被没收的物品没收物品
nice thing:  分词免费版
simple things:  单纯的事平常事
expensive thing:  你想拥有的昂贵东西
things incorporeal:  无体物
subjective things:  主观事物
Example Sentences:
1.The thing that annoys me about him is the way he never says “ hello ! ”
2.If there ' s one thing that annoys me , it ' s people who are irresponsible
3.If there is one thing that annoys me , it ' s people who don ' t keep their promises
Similar Words:
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